Version 1.0 uploaded

Version 1.0 was uploaded. The game was kinda feature complete already, so this is mostly a cosmetics and bug fixing update.

  • fixed room effect hover name
  • fixed: under some circumstances the game is not allowed to save the highscore which lead to display errors
  • added font (ABeeZee) for better readability
  • menu buttons get different color when active
  • added ingame menu (options + game abort)

Some thoughts for the future:

  • There seem to be some problems with the audio. Not sure for now how to fix this, but it will be tackled.
  • A few sounds are missing (especially some applause for winning the game).
  • A standalone version would be nice, and ultimately an Android version. I have to look into how to do this with Heaps/Haxe.
  • There are some ideas for additional cards and card effects floating around. Mostly minor things (because balancing), like new interesting room effects.
  • Right now the game has only 3 levels. More would be great, but then the gameplay needs to vary more in the lower levels. Also, saving/loading the game state would be needed then.

In any case, thanks for playing this little game. We were truly amazed how popular it became, even though it is more like a prototype than a real game.

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